TPD Directive

TPD or Tobacco Products Directive, was an initiative created by the EU to regulate the sale of tobacco products and came into law in 2016. After which all retailers were required to comply.

Vaping falls under the directive due to the use of nicotine in vape products and e-liquids, any products not submitted and approved by the MHRA would be illegal to sell.

IVG products are TPD compliant, all our products adhere to TPD regulations, including e-liquids which are capped at 20mg in a 10ml container, and all larger e-liquids that are nicotine free.

All e-liquids and products supplied by ACME Vape Limited have been submitted to the MHRA for notification and have passed and declared TPD compliant. We have all certificates and documentation on file for any product we stock. If you need more information with regard to TPD/TRPR you can email us at and we will reply as soon as possible.

 For more information on TPD (tobacco products directive) Please see the following resources.

1- E-cigarette regulations for consumer products

2- Tobacco products directive (EU)

3- TPD Legislation 

 The UK government is now in consultation on the future of TPD in the United Kingdom. Although the UK has left the EU, the TPD directive is part of UK law, and all previous recommendations still stand.